Using Bad Versus Good Variables and Function Names

Compare the two programs below:


Example 1: The programmer has chosen to use poor variable names.


def main():

    # Open the sales.txt file for reading.

    s = open('sales.txt', 'r')


    # Read all the lines from the file.

    for l in s:

        # Convert line to a float.

        a = float(l)

        # Format and display the amount.

        print(format(a, '.2f'))


    # Close the file.



# Call the main function.




Example 2: The programmer has chosen to use good variable names.


def main():

    # Open the sales.txt file for reading.

    sales_file_in = open('sales.txt', 'r')


    # Read all the lines from the file.

    for i in sales_file_in:

        # Convert line to a float.

        number = float(i)

        # Format and display the amount.

        print(format(number, '.2f'))


    # Close the file.



# Call the main function.



In example 2 above, the variable names are descriptive of the information they hold, such as " sales_file_in" will hold data from the "sales.txt" file. Also, notice the poor choice of variables in Example 1 on line 6. " for l in s:" As you can see, it is difficult if not impossible to tell that is the variable lower case "L". Will likely lead to much confusion.