Why are Loops Better than Repetitive Code?

Compare the two programs below:


Example 1 Using a For Loop:


n=int(input('Enter the number to end the count: '))


for i in range(1,n):

    count = count + 1

    print('Long line of text',i)




Example 2 Using Repetitive Code:


print(' Long line of text 1')

print(' Long line of text 2')

print(' Long line of text 3')

print(' Long line of text 4')

print(' Long line of text 5')

print(' Long line of text 6')

print(' Long line of text 7')

print(' Long line of text 8')

print(' Long line of text 9')

print(' Long line of text 10')


What if the loop was set to go to 100,000 iterations or more? It would be vary tedious to type all the needed print statements, not to mention the likelihood that the human would skip count a few times within 100,000 lines of code. The program output would be more reliable with the print function found in the loop in Example 1.