Sublime Text 3 Help


To set up Sublime 3 Text do the following. Also, these steps will install Package Control as well as PackageResourseViewer.


1. Install Package Control



2. After successfully installing Package Control, next install PackageResourseViewer by pressing Ctrl-Shift-p to bring up the command palette. Type in "Package Control" and select Package Control: Install Package. Type in and then select "PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource" when you get to the following window:



The steps to change the working directory in Sublime Text 3:

(See above to complete steps 1 and 2 below if necessary)

1. Install Sublime Text 3 package PackageResourceViewer

2. Open Command Palette, search for PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource

3. Browse to Python resource then open Python.sublime-build

4. Remove the default line "shell_cmd": "python -u \"$file\"",


5. Add the following 2 lines:

    "cmd": ["python", "-u", "$file"],

    "working_dir": "$file_path",


6.Alternately, you can replace the above 2 lines by:

    "shell_cmd": "cd $file_path; python -u \"$file\""