Encouraging Life Long Learning Since 1981 image

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert Einstein

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Carrier Blog 2

sremote supports


Computer help for Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem; and computer software training and education. Carrier Education offers training and support on today's most popular software packages. Microsoft Office and QuickBooks are just a couple of the programs supported. You will receive custom-tailored training, whether for one task or an entire software package. We also provide custom development for Office programs. See our Getting Started page for more details.



It is important as listening teachers to attempt to derive a middle ground for interactive learning with each and every student within our classroom. Without interactive learning our point of view becomes an attempt to fix what is learned by mandating outcomes via curriculum planning. With curriculum planning, teachers and curriculum developers often provide a rigid structure, present goals, and formulate explanations which encumber intuitive expressions of learning. But what Carrier Education would like for us to understand is that curriculum anticipation is far better than rigid curriculum planning because it leads to enacting a listening orientation to teaching. By enacting a listening orientation to teaching, the teacher and student create a win-win learning situation within the classroom.
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We offer solutions to your computer, software and website needs. We at Carrier Education enjoy helping people, and will continue to offer our clients the attention and training they need. We look forward to helping you solve your software problems. Read More >>>

quoteslearning? It's a snap...

imageThe only time you are not learning is when you stop trying. We encourage you to learn on your own and at your pace. Learning at your pace and about the topic you choose creates positive cognitive connections, a method of retaining information long term.

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